
Release The Pain and Isolation of Grief.
Compassionate, experienced guidance will lead you there.​
Create a New Life of Wellbeing & Peace.
Your inspired Sage wisdom will keep you there.
Advanced Grief Recovery Method Specialist
Mental Fitness Mastery
Certified by the Grief Recovery Institute
Certified Positive Intelligence Coach (CPQC)

My Vision For You
I see you living a life of
possibility and hope.
I see you discovering and then igniting your inherent
inspiration for healing.
I see you waking each morning with
renewed interest in life,
a sense of aliveness, gratitude
and joy filling your day
In a world that tries to convince you that loss always requires you to give up the hope of a different or better tomorrow, I can teach you the truth about grief;
Whether your grief is from the loss of a loved one or any of the more than 40 circumstances identified as grief events such as unwanted changes in health, relationship, financial or professional life, I will walk with you one step at a time, giving you the personal support and tools required to release the pain and discover the rich lessons grief has to teach us.
I believe in optimism, renewal, self-determination, and being open to the blessings that are the unexpected gifts of grief.
I see every event as a gift and opportunity for profound growth and a life of depth and meaning, not as obstacles to peace and joy.
“Who are you if your story begins to change?
Do not be so loyal to your suffering that your healing doesn’t stand a chance.”
— Vienna Pharaon

As an Advanced Grief Recovery Method® Specialist, I’ll teach you healing tools to identify and then release the intense emotions tying you to loss. As I guide you through every step, you will uncover the inspiration that is your inherent power to reclaim a life of joy.
You will experience the profound growth and self-discovery that are the surprising gifts of grief – a life of hope and renewal that you may believe is impossible.

To sustain these new gains, I’ll show you how to use the powerful Positive Intelligence PQ program to build mental fitness and mastery over your mind. Imagine approaching life's challenges with the wisdom and clarity of a wise, laser-focused
and inspired mind instead of with negative, judgmental reactions that lead to
poor outcomes in relationships and every other area of your life.
Your inner Sage wisdom is always there to guide you effortlessly through any challenge to your peace of mind, happiness, and success in life. Discover once again the gifts that define the awesome person you really are, unencumbered by learned behaviors that have sabotaged your life.

With this inspired perspective you will know this without question;
You have value as a beautifully unique individual!
Whether your grief and constant inner turmoil are from the loss of a loved one, a life-altering unwanted change in circumstances, or professional and personal losses or challenges, you will have the tools to recover from them all and transform your life.
" Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom."
~ Vicktor Frankl

I know it sounds like a cliche, but Marla has changed my life. She was so available 24/7/365 and just a special human being. She made me feel like I did her a favor for letting her guide "my healing." I look forward to life as my own "rock" thank you dearly, Marla.
~ Craig
Meet Marla
Your healing from the painful experience of grief is why I’m here. I am passionate about helping you reclaim a life of joy and fulfillment, whether your loss has been from the death of a loved one, the end of a relationship, a professional loss, or any of 40 different types of loss and change that result in grief.
I know I can help you because of my own recovery from the significant losses in my life. I have survived and learned to fully embrace life again after the loss of three of my five children – baby Shane, Nicole, and Ryan - all at different ages and under vastly different circumstances. In spite of these crushing, life-altering losses and the subsequent end of a difficult 27-year marriage, with acceptance, willingness, and forgiveness,
I learned to re-engage in life and embrace the joy that is still here for all of us. When I asked myself, “what is all this life experience for?” I knew the answer was to help others.

Discovery Call
Let's get to know each other.
During our call, you can share what you are courageously seeking to heal and discuss any fears you have around facing the work we’ll do. I’ll answer all your questions about the process and explain what qualifies me to lead you to your inherent wisdom and intuition, where all healing begins.
Grief can be isolating, confusing, and exhausting, leaving you unable to visualize a life that could be so much brighter. Let this be the first day on your journey back to the quality of life you deserve.
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"Loss, Survive, Thrive offers a lifeline of hope. Each chapter is an inspirational story written by a parent who also experienced the agony of losing a child, reclaimed his/her vitality, and is now living a fulfilling life. Every story is authentic and heartfelt, designed to uplift and inspire. The collective authors reach out through the pages to virtually hold hands with those who are suffering. We, the contributors, have all been there. We know their pain, and we know about survival. And now, through our stories, we offer comfort and support in helping them get through the toughest time of their lives."